Fume Scrubbers and Exhaust Systems
Fume Scrubber Blowers
Mech-Chem not only verifies proper materials of construction based on the vapors being treated, but also calculates the static pressure and air flow velocity required to maximize the efficiency of the scrubber, and to also insure total fume and vapor capture.
This scrubber was used to vent a plating tanks used in a metal finishing production line. The fume scrubber was designed to take up minimal floor space, yet deliver maximum efficiency for removal of harmful vapors. Scrubbing Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Vapors
Scrubber Components
Mech-Chem also installs features such as automatic reservoir blow down, reservoir transfer and circulation pumps, circulation flow monitoring, level control sensing and particulate strainers to protect the in line flow meters, as well as prevent spray nozzles from becoming plugged. These custom features allow the scrubber to run efficiently and minimize the need for constant operator interface.
Mech-Chem’s modular units come in easily bolted together sections to minimize installation time. A self contained reservoir with level control, pH probe, circulation pumps, flow meters, valving and motor disconnects come preplumbed and wired.
Larger units have epoxy coated steal bases for easy leveling. The steel is shimmed on plastic pads so as to prevent solution from being trapped under or stay in contact with the base.
Mech-Chem also integrates tower view points, using clear PVC in order to view the packing and spray nozzles.
On site installation teams and staff engineers work together to insure a quality job.
Once the installation is complete. Mech-Chem starts up the unit as well as trains plant personnel.
These units are custom designed to fit the facilities needs. With care taken to the materials of construction as well as the type of unit needed for the process it is intended for.
Horizontal Fume Scrubber
Mech-Chem designs scrubbers for all applications. Some of the applications are for pharmaceutical manufacturing, chemical milling, anodizing, acids caustics, etch, pickling, bulk storage, chemical mixing, metal finishing, solvents, clean lines, clean rooms, NOX, food processing, alcohol production and sterilization of containers. Mech-Chem handles all types of fumes, vapors, odors and particulates that arise in any type of processing.
The horizontal fume scrubber above was designed using stainless steel components in order to treat fumes from a food processing plant. This caustic vapor was heavily laden with particulate that encouraged bacterial growth. Mech-Chem integration of equipment the injected reagent chemistry, kept the organics under control.
Mech-Chem not only designs and manufactures scrubbers. But also understands how to maintain the units once in operation in the field. This knowledge enables Mech-Chem to service our customers with preventative maintenance programs and spare parts recommendations that help keep the scrubbers running at peek performance.
Roof Mounted Scrubber with Blower
Mech-Chem designs scrubbers based on the clients needs. Sometimes shop floor space is to valuable to take up with non-productive equipment. This can also be true for mounting a scrubber on the ground outside of the facility.
Mech-Chem’s team of engineers calculates not only the static pressure, air flow, packing depth and circulation rates, but also lays out structural supports in order for the facility to handle the weight of the unit when mounted on the roof.
All variables from roof top air flow to stack height are calculated into the style and size of the scrubbing unit provided.
System Design
Mech-Chem’s verifies that the fume scrubber and ventilation system matches the needs of the facility. This is were material selection is key to the longevity and efficiency of the system it is to service.
The picture to the left is a Chemical Milling Facility used by an Aerospace company to manufacture titanium products. This system was designed, manufactured and installed by Mech-Chem Associates.
Materials of construction were selected based on the use of Hydrofluoric and Nitric Acid that were heated in the process tanks to an excess of one hundred (100F) degrees Fahrenheit.
The system consists of PVDF splash shields and part holders, as well as polypropylene hoods, mounted on a rubber lined and epoxy coated process tank. The hoods are tied into PVC duct work that are connected to a vertical scrubber with packing and mist eliminator.
The PVDF splash shields, at the front of the tanks, have lexan view windows and also support a PVC push air manifold.
Duct Work Installation
Mech-Chem Associates installs both scrubbers and ventilation systems. Qualified technicians as well as staff engineers are on site while the project is being installed.
Mech-Chem deals with all types of duct work from PVC to fiberglass. All hangers, threaded rods, hardware and supports are picked to provide maximum chemical resistance to the process chemistry in the area. This keeps the room and equipment looking good for years to come.
Vertical Scrubber with Blower
Mech-Chem designs all variations of scrubbers to meet our customers’ needs. Whether it is inside on the shop floor, roof top or mounted outside next to the facility, Mech-Chem verifies all components meet the specifications not only to hold up to the vapors being scrubbed but also to the environment the scrubber is in. In this case a vertical outside scrubber and blower need to be able to withstand the suns UV rays as well as hold up to temperature changes during the course of the year.
Custom Built Fume Scrubber
Mech-Chem Associates designs and builds all types of fume scrubbers and controls.
The fume scrubber, pictured to the left, was specifically designed to handle fumes from a mixture of strong chemicals. (Hydrofluoric, Nitric and Hydrochloric)
It was mounted aboard a ship that sailed to oil rigs located at sea. It had to be able to structurally with stand G-Forces that may be encountered during its voyages.This fume scrubber, due to the environment and location to flammable materials, also had to have explosion proof rated materials.
The control panel, circulation pump, level controllers, chemical feed pump, blown down solenoid, flow sensor and pH sensor were all XP rated.
The material of construction needed to withstand the chemical requirements and G-forces was Hastelloy C-276.
Push-Pull Ventilation Systems

Chemical Storage & Mixing Hoods, Manufacturing Area Fume Capturing and Laboratory Fume Scrubbers
Mech-Chem not only manufactures large industrial fume scrubbers, but also designs and builds units for needs such as chemical mixing hoods, work space fume control, part storage cribs, chemical storage areas and laboratory units.
These compact and economical units allow operators and plant personnel to work in a safe and secure environment.
The elimination of odors and chemical fumes also helps protect the surrounding area. Keeping parts and materials free of chemical residue that may effect the finish on the product. The fume capture and scrubber systems also help protect the facility from corrosion due to exposure of chemical vapors.
The venting of work stations and spray rinse areas is also very important to maintaining the quality of manufacturing as well as operator safety.
Mech-Chem also installs and balances the fume scrubbing system. This insures maximum fume, odor or particulate capture.
Whether your needs are to capture steam vapors that are making a work space uninhabitable, to vapors that are corroding the facilities infrastructure, Mech-Chem Associates can design and integrate a ventilation and fume capture system to meet your needs.Addressing ventilation needs is very important. Poor ventilation over time can lead to cross contamination of chemicals, surfaces unsafe to touch due to vapor residue and spotting or poor finishes on the plants manufactured products.
Scrubber Equipment and Control

Tank Ventilation
A key to controlling fumes and odors in the work place is to implement a capture system.
Mech-Chem installs manifold systems that vent storage, chemical process as well as reagent chemistry tanks to the scrubber. The ventilation is integrated into the overall facility, with respect to air make-up needs and ventilation draw on each tank in order to minimize any negative pressure in the vessel while maximizing the amount of fumes captured and minimizing odors in the work place.