Chemical Additions

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Chemical Addition Systems

The systems depicted in this operator interface display are for the chemical makeup of the process tanks.

The acids used are nitric and hydrofluoric. Operating parameters are set up so that the gallons required for each acid addition, as well as water, are entered into the PLC via the touch screen.

Once these volumes are inputted the computer verifies that there is enough operating capacity in the tank after the chemical additions are complete. If this parameter is satisfied, automatic chemical feed to the tank will begin.

Some of the items monitored and controlled through the PLC are:

  • Level in the Process Tank
  • Addition (in gallons) of the Acids
  • Circulation of the Process Tank
  • Level in the Acid Totes
  • Water Pressure
  • Proper Operation of the Ventilation

If any of the operating parameters fail to function correctly or a supporting system goes into alarm, chemical addition is discontinued and the operator is notified.